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Step one
Simply download the course app. Downloading can take up to 15 minutes depending on the download speed you have.
Step two
Slide to the right to the first "how to use our course page"
Step three
As you navigate to the next page an automatic video will start the lesson.
How to use our course
These are real SLR courses. They are fully automatic courses with "show and tell" videos with very little reading .These course are delivered by a university trained teacher not just a photographer or hobbyist.
The Ultimate SLR Photography Course
The Ultimate SLR Camera course
InDesign to iPad Publishing Course
Learn Photoshop Quickly
Learn Illustrator quickly
Learn inDesign Quiclky

Splash screen Illustrator.png

iphone 4.7 in 1 .png

Landscape ipad cover.png

Splash screen Illustrator.png
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